The Academy of Educators is pleased to announce a new faculty development opportunity, Building Inclusive Environments for Learners with Disabilities (BUILD). BUILD offers health professions faculty the knowledge, skills, and resources to understand the barriers facing people and learners with disabilities and to create more inclusive didactic and clinical learning environments. Topics this 4-session series addresses include the history and different models of disability, barriers and challenges presented by ableism and stigma in community and educational settings, inclusion, receptivity, and belonging in the context of learners with disabilities in health professions education, strategies educators can use to minimize and prevent microaggressions, implicit bias, and stereotype threat in learning environments, ways to integrate growth mindset and universal design for learning as instructional approaches to enhance success of learners with disabilities, and inclusive teaching in terms of instruction, curriculum, learner and program assessment, and classroom policies and procedures.

Learning experiences will include interactive lectures, small group discussion, role play, speaker panels, and a variety of experiential activities. Participants will also develop a personalized inclusive education roadmap to help guide their continuous development of skills and attitudes facilitating inclusive teaching.

This virtual learning opportunity is open to faculty, instructors, residents, and fellows with teaching and/or mentoring roles in any School of Medicine department or program wiling to attend all four sessions.

June 21, June 28, July 12, and July 19, 2022. All sessions will be from 4:00-6:00pm

Course Directors: Dr. Jessica Dashner, Lauren Nguyen, and Dr. Steve Taff (Occupational Therapy)

Please contact Dr. Steve Taff with any questions at: